
Average score 262 Reviews
Philippe Corneloup noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Top notch cuisine and service! (Original) Cuisine et service au top!

1 year ago
Philippe Corneloup noted on Google

1 year ago
Basma noted on Google

Wonderful setting and service. Amazing food. We just love the place and wish the owner and chef prosperity and more mouthwatering dishes for us 😆

1 year ago
SCI SIGAL noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Finally a real traditional cuisine, subtle generous and elegant. An essential address for the excellence of the cuisine and the efficiency of the service. More than recommended, it is a must. (Original) Enfin une vraie cuisine traditionnelle, subtile généreuse et élégante. Une adresse incontournable par l’excellence de la cuisine et l’efficacité du service. Plus que recommandé, c’est un incontournable.

1 year ago
John Foley noted on Google

1 year ago
Tony Michel Cochard noted on Google

(Translated by Google) High quality products Go there without hesitation (Original) Produits de grandes qualités Allez y sans hésiter

1 year ago
Lim Cher Young noted on Google

Mouthwatering chinese food in Cannes , France. Environment also very good .

1 year ago
Pierre Samper noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Place to visit in Cannes You will not be disappointed (Original) Endroit à visiter sur cannes Vous ne serez pas déçu

1 year ago
Robert Kleczek noted on Google

(Translated by Google) A cuisine as we do not know it, full of delicious surprises in a calm and very pleasant setting. Don't forget the terrace for summer outings... (Original) Une cuisine comme on ne la connaît pas, pleine de délicieuses surprises dans un cadre calme et très agréable. Ne pas oublier la terrasse pour les sorties en été...

1 year ago
Val Vanzeveren noted on Google

1 year ago

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60 boulevard d’Alsace
06400 Cannes, France

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