
Average score 262 Reviews
Christian G noted on Google

Nous avons passé une excellente soirée, merci. L'accueil du patron très chaleureux, lieu très agréable, joliment décoré, et la cuisine exquise. (Translated by Google) We had a great evening, thank you. Very warm welcome from the owner, very pleasant place, nicely decorated, and exquisite cuisine.

3 months ago
guy adroit noted on Google

3 months ago
Isabelle Bacchi noted on Google

Superbe découverte Cuisine excellente Service impeccable. (Translated by Google) Superb discovery Excellent cuisine Impeccable service.

3 months ago
Gilbert Benitah noted on Google

Très agréable le patron est très sympa et professionnel. Merci (Translated by Google) Very pleasant, the boss is very friendly and professional. THANKS

3 months ago
Baax noted on Google

(Translated by Google) This restaurant is for me the best Asian restaurant in Cannes. The atmosphere is good, the decorations too and the warm welcome. The manager is very friendly and attentive to our needs. The menu is varied, There are quite a few choices, Personally I recommend the chicken spring rolls as a starter and the crispy chicken as a main course, it really is a delight. So if you pass by there I advise you to stop at this restaurant. I recommend 1000% (Original) Ce restaurant est pour moi le meilleur restaurant asiatique de cannes, L'ambiance est bonne les décorations aussi et l'accueil chaleureux , Le gérant est très amical et à l'écoute de nos besoins. La carte est variée , Il y a pas mal de choix, Personnellement je recommande les nems au poulet en entrée et le poulet croustillant en plat , vraiment c'est un délice . Donc si vous passez par là je vous conseille de vous arrêter dans ce restaurant. Je recommande à 1000%

4 months ago
Pascal Vandelli noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The boss is great and shares his life experiences with us. Original, refined and very varied cuisine (Original) Le patron est top et nous partage ses expériences de vie. Cuisine originale et raffinée et très variée

4 months ago
Kimberlee LoCicero noted on Google

On adore!

4 months ago
magali giuglaris noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good food and a nice place that cuts away from the city (Original) Très bonne cuisine et un bel endroit qui coupe de la ville

4 months ago
Надин Бернарди noted on Google

4 months ago
BFM TRADE AND noted on Google

4 months ago

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60 boulevard d’Alsace
06400 Cannes, France

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