
Average score 262 Reviews
Claude Lienhard noted on Google

un trés bel endroit et très bon accueil avec une cuisine de qualité (Translated by Google) a very nice place and very warm welcome with quality cuisine

2 months ago
Francois Gauvin noted on Google

2 months ago
Carole Willemin noted on Google

J'ai vraiment apprécié ce restaurant : le personnel très gentil, la cuisine très raffinée et delicieuse. Quant au décor ( nous étions à l'intérieur), joliment décoré sans surcharge avec de beaux objets asiatiques. Il y a aussi une belle terrasse. Je recommande à 100% et je suis plutôt critique en général !! (Translated by Google) I really enjoyed this restaurant: the very kind staff, the very refined and delicious cuisine. As for the decor (we were inside), nicely decorated without overload with beautiful Asian objects. There is also a beautiful terrace. I recommend 100% and I am rather critical in general!!

2 months ago
Nathalie AULEN noted on Google

Merveilleuse découverte et plaisir pour les papilles je recommande vivement de la haute cuisine chinoise (Translated by Google) Wonderful discovery and pleasure for the taste buds, I highly recommend Chinese haute cuisine

2 months ago
Martin noted on Google

Situated in a tranquil French courtyard, the resto offers food good as in Paris. What’s surprising is you can actually call and make reservation for off-menu dishes (Shanghainese food) which might be more attractive to Europeans/ North Americans. The owner, a very nice man, has been operating for a long time here and hosted many celebrities. It’s definitely worth going.

2 months ago
estelle NAGET noted on Google

Comme toujours excellent accueil excellente cuisine dans un cadre soigné ! Merci encore (Translated by Google) As always, excellent welcome, excellent cuisine in a neat setting! thanks again

2 months ago
Famille J noted on Google

2 months ago
Nada AMINE noted on Google

J’aime beaucoup ce restaurant, le propriétaire est accueillant, aimable. Les plats sont variés et excellent. Je recommande à 100 % (Translated by Google) I really like this restaurant, the owner is welcoming and friendly. The dishes are varied and excellent. I recommend 100%

2 months ago
L'Abri Cotier Offshore noted on Google

Très bonne expérience Le Tum Yum était divin ! L’accueil et le service top ! (Translated by Google) Very good experience The Tum Yum was divine! Great welcome and service!

3 months ago
Marilou Tallon noted on Google

Un excellent restaurant asiatique. Le service est parfait, les plats copieux, le personnel est très gentil et serviable. C’est très propre et très beau. Je recommande ! (Translated by Google) An excellent Asian restaurant. The service is perfect, the dishes are plentiful, the staff is very kind and helpful. It is very clean and very beautiful. I recommend !

3 months ago

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60 boulevard d’Alsace
06400 Cannes, France

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